Name of the Town, its Variations and misspellings
Nowadays Administrative Location in Ukraine/Poland
Administrative Location before WWI
Administrative Location in the Interwar Period
Surnames I Dealt with and Their Various Spellings
Переходичі, Perekhodychi
Perekhodychi in Rokytne Region, Rivne Province, Ukraine
Dovmantovych, Dovmantowycz, Dowmantowicz, Dowmantowycz, Domantovych, Domantowicz, Vasylevych, Vasylewycz, Vasylewicz, Vasilewicz, Yarmolych, Yarmolicz, Yarmolycz, Grebenevych, Grebenewycz, Grebenewicz
Вежиця, Vezhytsia, Wiezyca
Vezhytsia in Rokytne Region, Rivne Province, Ukraine
Klymowiec, Dovmantovych, Dovmantowycz, Dowmantowicz, Dowmantowycz, Lesowiec, Lesowic