Oct 21, 2021 | History, Interview Project, video

Story #1. Siberia.

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Hello friends. 

It’s high time to start sharing the results of our Stories Our Grandparents Haven’t Told Project. As you may already know, it was successfully funded on Kickstarter.

This project is a journey to capture the lives of Ukrainians who survived WWII and Soviet rule and share their stories before they’re lost forever. It’s a chance to meet wonderful people and let them share their life experience. 

My original goal was to collect 10 Stories and it’s been done. It’s been a great experience and I would like to try to record more stories. That is why I have created our project page on the Patreon platform: https://www.patreon.com/stories_our_grandparents_havent_told

By joining the project on Patreon, you will get access to our 10 videos, as well as all further Stories we collect. It will make it possible to continue the project and save more Stories that are about to be gone. Make more elderly people we interview feel well. 

It’s just impossible to do it on my own. Can I ask you to share the link above on FB, with your friends, or advise on the other way to promote the project? I will appreciate your support a lot. 

Today, I would like to share the 1st Story with you. I have decided to publish it here as it’s the best way to explain what the other Stories of our project can be like.  Send me a message if you like to share your feedback. I am very excited to share this video with you and learn what you think about it. 

Remember that each Story of our project is not just a relation of facts. It is an interpretation. It is a personal point of view upon the reality that the person lived in. It was formed by social background, education, the necessity to survive, character, propaganda, as well as many other factors. 


Feel free to contact me if you like to have your family stories discovered and you need help with family research. We have professional researchers in most provinces of Western Ukraine and we do not charge for the preliminary research to explain what exactly can be done on your project.

I will be happy to help with your visit to Ukraine or create a custom video about your ancestral village. We do all these things with love.

Remember to subscribe to our mailing list to get notifications of further posts – the subscribe button is below the title of this post. 


Andriy Dorosh